Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Community of LOVE

Something special happens when hearts come together who start searching for the same thing. True community is happening here on 16 Days. God is moving in and through the group. It is incredible to see and be apart of!

It's been a few days since we have posted anything...but there has been many adventures. The road has become their empty pages. The teens have grabbed their pens and have started to write...making their make along the way and letting God take control of their hand...and in that God stories are being written. We've been in Chicago and now we're driving through's hot and flies have taken over the bus...but there is no other place we'd rather be...God is here and his heart is coming alive right in front of us. This is TRUE life...this is kingdom...this is God's heart...

Last night we split into boy/girl groups and we dove head-first into life together. Sharing the hardest parts of life and the struggles that come. Intimate stories were shared and God's freedom was flowing through the campsite. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is...there is freedom"...God is so good. God's love and grace was flowing...

So we keep driving...we leave a campsite and we see what's next. We don't know what's going to happen today or what adventures are waiting out there...but we drive. Because God has started these teens on a journey that leads to new realities and new hearts. We enter this next chapter knowing that God goes before us...preparing the adventure for us to has been 6 days if this 16 day road trip...may today be a chapter deeper into God's heart...pray.

Abandoned Love

- The 16 Days Leadership Team

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Our response...LOVE

It's day two of our trip from Denver, Colorado to Bethel, Indiana the for start of 16 Days. Looking around Gus the bus right now it's nice to see the dry, sweat-less faces...yesterday was full of sticky skin and damp hair, especially Foster.

The road is part of the journey...even for us leaders. We sit here thinking, praying, dreaming and loving. The trees and corn fields pass by and I can't help but think about leaving your mark. We go along this journey making our way closer to God's heart and as we go, we meet people. We stop and SEE people truly for the child of God they are...and then we LOVE. As disciples, we abandon all things to love...not just from our heart but the heart of God which holds an abundance of love that we cannot even imagine. So as we drive closer I'm thinking to myself, why am I on this journey? Why do I sit here and pray and think and dream about the next 16 days? Because I want to LOVE out of a heart that is bigger than my own. I dream and pray out of expectancy that God is going to take the love that I have and than multiply that beyond what I can imagine. This can only happen if I am falling in love with Him and His heart more and more as I journey.

We drive because of God's love. We journey because we are in love with His heart. As we enter 16 Days...we enter it because we are in love with our in return we cannot help ourselves but love others. THAT is our response...THAT is our passion...THAT is the love of God.

Abandoned Love

Rob Cupp
Kingdom Building Ministries

Direct: 720.213.1827

- The 16 Days Leadership Team

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

16 Days Indiana Here We Come!

Part of the 16 Days Leadership Team left Denver for Indiana this morning! We are excited and praying for the start of this next 16 Days trip on Saturday! Here is a little video from the team!

- The 16 Days Leadership Team

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Picture Update

Not enough time for words at this point so here's a few pictures highlighting the last few days.
We're on the road again today!  We are really getting to know each other well as we travel down the interstate.  God has been so GOOD!